Researcher claims italian penis length is decreasing

A study of 2019 young men led by Professor Carlo Foresta from the Universitaria di Padova concluded that average flaccid penis size decreased over the years since year 1948. At that time, flaccid mean of penis length was equal to 9,7cm. In this new penis size study, the average penis length is only equal to 8.9 cm. The results have been presented in a conference by Pr. Foresta and broadcasted by the italian press. Professor Foresta ventured several hypothesis that could explain the 0.8 cm diminution in the past 64 years. First, he stated “environmental changes” may be responsible for incidences on the endocrinian system. This hypothesis echoed other studies that have shown the role of endocrinian disruptors (chemical) in humans’ small genitalias cases. Second, he also mentioned the possible role of obesity that alter the hormones production during the human growth.

No study papers have been published and we don’t have additional information. The said information has been reported from italian newspapers. We would like to know more about the measurement methodology that has been used 64 years ago and the methodology used recently. Obesity should also considered for a second reason. If the researchers used the none bone pressed measurement, the measurement starts at the location where the shaft meets the body. At this location, there is also the fat pad length. If one is overweight, the fat pad length is higher, and it reduces the length of the penis.

This new major claim raise up new questions. Is this penis length difference linked to a very important increase in micropenis’ presence or is it a general trend impacting the whole male population? We hope we will get more information to get meaningful details.
