As usual there is no joke. You can make your own penis replica or your lover’s penis. The solution is based on a molding gel. The procedure is straight forward and easy. You prepare the molding gel. You insert your penis in the modling tube. You put the rubber into the mould. You wait 24 hours and you have a dildo that is your own penis replica. The most well know brand is Clone-a-willy. On top of the standard penis dildo replica, the product line contain solutions to make a Glowing dildo in the dark, a chocolate dildo, a soap dildo or even a vibrator. Products are very affordable ranging from $12 to $35. To finish, The brand clone-a-willy states the process is totally safe as the materials used to mold the penis are also used in medecine and hollywood movies for effects and props.
You will see below a video to see how you can make your own penis replica: