Review of penis comparison website is a website which allows you to compare your penis size with other internet visitors and famous porn actors. after subscribing, the website prompts you for your penis length according to the bone pressed measurement methodology. You also must enter your girth size. Then, the website will build up a virtual penis from this information.

But.. there is better than that. In the previous process, It is possible to cheat your own penis size. So the web masters decided to create a process to get quality data. has a validation process to be able to be added to the members chart. In this case, each participant must take a picture of his penis with a print paper (called the cock validator tag) around it. Once it is done, the webmaster (vixen vickie) will calculate the penis length using a dedicated software (cockee2).

Then, your profile including penis length and girth is added to the gold member stat chart. At that point you can see where your penis size is standing among the website gold members. Notice that all gold members used the cock validator tag to perform their penis measurement. I didn’t have time to check all entries in the chart but it looks like they have all been validated. Nevertheless, i have been unable to see the validation photo for each member. The gold member stat chart show the hard truth. Inequality. There is a wide range of penis size in this chart. You also see that each penis is different. By the way, the website also contains a chart called the cockeye league. It is a kind of complex chart where each participant compare his penis with at least five other participants.

The website also contains a forum, a chatroom and some material from the webmaster “vixenvicky”.

I am unable to say if there is any over-representation of large penises or small penises. It is very difficult to estimate. This website is useful to see the wide range of possible penis sizes including girth and length. There are many penis pictures. The difference between penis size is really smashing.  The chart confirmed what has been found during the lifestyles condom study or the 1996 US Journal of urology study. There are huge penis size differences within the same population. It is easy to evaluate the penis size when the participant added a picture including the cock validator tag or its hand. Otherwise, without any validator tag or anything else, we can see it is easy to make believe the penis is big by using specific lenses, positions and angles.

This website is the most serious penis comparison website.